В продаже вся линейка продукции Apple
01 декабря 2008
Apple iMac 20" 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo/1GB/250GB/SD/ATI2400XT MB323
Apple iMac 20" 2.66GHz Intel Core 2 Duo/2GB/320GB/SD/ATI HD 2600 Pro MB324
Apple iMac 24" 2.8GHz Intel Core 2 Duo/2GB/320GB/SD/ATI HD 2600 Pro MB325
Apple Mac Mini 1.83/2x512/80/Combo/AP/BT MB138
Apple Mac mini 2.0/2x512/ 120/SD/AP/BT MB139
Apple Mac Pro Two 2.8GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon 2GB/320GB/SD/ATI2600XT MA970
Apple Mac Pro One 2.8GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon 2GB/320GB/SD/ATI2600XT Z0EM/1
Apple Mac Pro Two 3.0GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon 2GB/320GB/SD/ATI2600XT Z0EM/2
Apple Mac Pro Two 3.2GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon 2GB/320GB/SD/ATI2600XT Z0EM/3
Apple 20" Cinema Display M9177
Apple 23" Cinema Display HD M9178
Apple 30" Cinema Display HD M9179
Apple MacBook White 2.1GHz Intel Core 2 Duo/1GB/120GB/Combo/AP/BT MB402
Apple MacBook White 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo/2GB/160GB/SD/AP/BT MB403
Apple MacBook Black 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo/2GB/250GB/SD/AP/BT MB404
Apple MacBook Pro 15" 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo/2GB/200GB/SD/AP/BT MB133
Apple MacBook Pro 15" 2.5GHz Intel Core 2 Duo/2GB/250GB/SD/AP/BT MB134
Apple MacBook Pro 17" 2.5GHz Intel Core 2 Duo/2GB/250GB/SD/AP/BT MB166
Apple MacBook Air 13.3" 1.60GHz Intel Core 2 Duo/2GB/80GB MB003RS/A
Apple Xserve 2.8GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon 2GB/80GB/SD MA882
Apple TV 40GB MA711
Apple TV 160GB MB189
Apple AirPort Express Base Station with AirTunes M9470
Apple Airport Extreme Card M8881
Apple AirPort Extreme Base Station MB053
Apple VESA Display Mount M9649
Apple Vesa Mount Adapter Kit for 24-inch iMac MB060
Apple Keyboard MB110
Apple Wireless Keyboard MB167
Apple Wired Mighty Mouse MB112
Apple Wireless Mighty Mouse MB111
Apple USB Modem MA034
Apple Mac mini Power Adapter MA256
Apple Bluetooth Module Upgrade Kit (AASP) MA687
Apple Airport Extreme Wireless Upgrade Kit (AASP) MA688
Apple Rechargeable Battery 12-inch PowerBook G4 M9572
Apple Rechargeable Battery 15-inch Aluminum PowerBook G4 M9756
Apple Rechargeable Battery 15-inch MacBook Pro MA348
Apple Rechargeable Battery 17-inch PowerBook G4 M9326
Apple Rechargeable Battery 17inch MacBook Pro MA458
Apple Extra Battery iBook 12.1" M9337
Apple Extra Battery iBook 14.1" M9338
Apple Rechargeable Battery 13-inch MacBook (White) MA561
Apple Rechargeable Battery 13-inch MacBook (Black) MA566
Apple Portable Power Adapter M8943
Apple Portable Power Adapter 85 Watt MA938
Apple 60W MagSafe Power Adapter (for MacBook) MA538
Apple MacBook Air SuperDrive MB397
Apple USB Ethernet Adapter MB442
Apple World Travel Adapter Kit M8794*/B
Apple Mini DVI to Video Adapter M9319
Apple Mini DVI to VGA Adapter M9320
Apple Mini DVI to DVI Adapter M9321*/B
Apple Micro DVI to Video Adapter MB202
Apple Micro DVI to VGA Adapter MB203
Apple Micro DVI to DVI Adapter MB204
Apple DVI to Video Adapter (for Power Mac G5 / Mac mini) M9267
Apple PAL DVI to Video Adapter (for Power Mac G5 / Mac mini) MA026
Apple DVI-I to VGA Display Adapter M8754
Apple Video Adapter M9109
Apple VGA Display Adapter M8639
Apple Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard Retail MB021
Apple Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard Family Pack MB022
Apple Mac OS X Leopard Svr 10 Clt- Single License MB005
Apple Mac OS X Leopard Svr Unlim Clt- Single Lic MB004
Apple Remote Desktop 3 10 Client MA231
Apple Remote Desktop 3 Unlimited MA232
Apple iLife08 Retail MB015
Apple iLife08 Family Pack MB016
Apple .Mac Retail MA927
Apple .Mac Family Pack MA928
Apple iWork 08 Retail MA790
Apple iWork 08 Family Pack MA791
Apple Logic Express 8 Retail MA806
Apple Logic Express 8 Upgrade from Logic Express 6,7 MA810
Apple Logic Studio Retail MA797
Apple Logic Studio Upgrade from Logic Pro/Plat/Gold 5,6,7 MA800
Apple Final Cut Express 4.0 MB278
Apple Final Cut Express 4.0 Upgrade from FCE 1,2,3 MB339
Apple Final Cut Studio 2 Retali MA886
Apple Final Cut Studio 2 Upg from FCP 1-3, Production Suite MA887
Apple Final Cut Studio 2 Upg from Final Cut Studio MA888
Apple Aperture 1.5 Retail MA715
Apple Shake 4.1 Mac OS X Retail Box MA434
Apple Xsan Single Licence Retail MA582
Apple Web Objects 5.2 M8789
Apple iPod shuffle 1GB Silver MB225
Apple iPod shuffle 1GB Blue MB227
Apple iPod shuffle 1GB Green MB229
Apple iPod shuffle 1GB Purple MB233
Apple iPod shuffle 2GB Silver MB518
Apple iPod shuffle 2GB Blue MB520
Apple iPod shuffle 2GB Green MB522
Apple iPod shuffle 2GB Purple MB526
Apple iPod nano 4GB Silver MA978
Apple iPod nano 8GB Silver MA980
Apple iPod nano 8GB Blue MB249
Apple iPod nano 8 GB Pink MB453
Apple iPod nano 8GB Green MB253
Apple iPod nano 8GB Black MB261
Apple iPod classic 80GB Silver MB029
Apple iPod classic 80GB Black MB147
Apple iPod classic 160GB Silver MB145
Apple iPod classic 160GB Black MB150
Apple iPod touch 8GB MA623
Apple iPod touch 16GB MA627
Apple iPod touch 32GB MB376
Apple iPod in ear Headphones M9394Z/A
Apple iPod Dock Connector to USB 2.0 M9569
Apple iPod Socks M9720
Apple iPod AV Cable M9765
Apple iPod Camera Connector M9861G/A
Apple iPod Radio Remote MA070
Apple Remote MA128
Apple iPod USB Power Adapter MA592
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